Getting Old Jokes Poem

Here is a hilarious short getting old jokes poem for you. We are all aging day by day. I say that it's better to laugh about it than cry! A good sense of humour is critical in all aspects of life but especially when faced with the mirror everyday!

Don't think it's funny? Think that you are funnier? Here is your chance to send us your very own getting old jokes, poems and hilarious short quotes or funny life quotes.

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That Getting Old Feeling...

They say youth is wasted on the young at least that’s what you say when you’re old,

When your bones feel old, your body feels old, and your brain’s covered with mold.

That’s right your days of youth are gone and your golden days have long since passed,

Now it’s time for walkers, canes, crutches, and praying to god that your diaper will last.

Everything’s old and wrinkly and nothing in your body works like it did before,

You’ve got to keep them busy otherwise they just fall asleep and start to snore.

On the plus side they’ve got plenty of prunes and bingo games to keep them hyper,

Not to mention nursing homes filled with people who will gladly change your diaper.

I know it sucks getting old and the young can be a pain but please don’t be a hater,

After all everyone’s gonna get old and wrinkly just like the rest of you sooner or later.

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Quotes & Quips by Other Visitors

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Elderly Gentleman Joke Not rated yet
An elderly gentleman went to the doctor to get new hearing aides. The elderly gentleman returned a month later for a re-check. The doctor said, "Your hearing …

Roses Are Red... Not rated yet
Roses are red, violets are blue, you love me and... um... I forget... (another silly getting old joke from my 8 year old grandson the comedian, he thinks …

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