Anti Aging Solutions -
Equals Positive Attitude!

When we think of anti aging solutions the first ones that come to mind are usually skin care, exercise and diet. However, your attitude, beliefs and behaviour can add years to your life and perhaps actually do the most to make you seem younger than you really are.

Anti Aging Solutions- Positive Attitude

Research shows that optimists live an average of 12 years longer than pessimists. Having a positive attitude about life is one of the best anti aging solutions that in general will also reduce the risk of heart disease, so try and take the ups and downs of life in your stride and

slow down aging that way.

Don’t think that you’re too old to dance, ski, bungee jump, study for a university degree, or whatever it is you secretly would like to have a go at – just do it! Don’t be persuaded to “act your age”. Act youthful! People will love you for it. They will forget your age and admire your positive outlook on life.

Don’t let yourself lose interest in the latest trends just because you’re no longer in your twenties. Keep in touch with young people and what they are interested in. In return, this will make you a more interesting person and you will feel more alive.

Enjoy life and extend it!

Train yourself to smile more and to be optimistic. Be cheerful, relax and look on the bright side. Studies show that feeling upbeat about getting older can add, on average, another seven years to your life.

On the other hand, studies also show that negative feelings and emotions, such as bitterness and hostility, are bad for your overall health and especially bad for your heart.

Boost your antibodies!

Make sure you stay involved and keep up with friends and family. Work at improving these relationships if need be. A good relationship matters more than merely seeing them often.

Why not volunteer for some charitable work too? By helping other people we help ourselves and it has even been said that helping others seems to boost our antibodies and can be compared to exercising!

Join a community club or neighbourhood group and maintain the hobbies you’ve always enjoyed. Add a new activity to your anti aging solutions too. This will help you to socialise more and people with strong social connections enjoy better health and longer life.

To keep your brain young and your mind stimulated, you could also add some brain exercises.

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