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About Us

Site Build It!


Firstly, I would like to welcome you to the "About Us" section of Anti Aging Information our second website adventure!.

Our first website is Visit Chiang Mai Online , a site dedicated to travel specifically to Chiang Mai & Thailand. This is site also has an online shop called Chiang Mai Arts & Crafts and we really hope that you will take a few minutes out to visit & view the wide range of Thai home decor, handicrafts & handmade silver jewelry that we offer.

Just a quick word about our webhosts, a company called Site Build It without who's outstanding systems & support forums none of this would have been possible!!.

We are really pleased that you have taken the time to find out a little bit about us !.

I don’t know about you, but whenever I visit a website for the first time, I head straight to the “About Me” or “About Us” page,I want to meet the people whose site I’m visiting !!.

It’s just like checking the dust cover of a book for a photo and biography of the author, which helps to establish a connection in your mind between the information and the person who created it.

Building this bond of connection and trust with you, our audience, is a key element in our strive to create a successful Ecommerce website, as people rarely buy from or return to the website of someone they don't know or don't trust !.

OK, let’s start with me, my name is Kevin I originate from the U.K. and settled in Thailand around 3 years ago following time spent living & working in China.

My background was originally Ornamental Horticulture, but for the last 10 years I have been involved with the design & sourcing of Home Decor & Accessories from Asia for supply to Multiple Retailers back in the U.K.

The personal “passions” of my life are, my lovely Thai wife Rose, baby daughter Coco, spicy Thai food & all aspects of handicrafts, so Chiang Mai is the perfect location for us to live !.

Don't Forget to Visit Chiang Mai Online.....................Check Out What's New on our Anti Aging Information Blog ?....................our online shop Chiang Mai Arts & Crafts....................Follow us on Twitter@anti_aging_info

My wife Rose, is originally from Isaan Province(North-East Thailand), is an excellent chef, (see North/East recipes on our Chiang Mai website), as well as being a trained English Teacher.

This not only helped when we first met, but has also been invaluable in the ongoing development of the Thailand website information.

We met just under 3 years ago, and now have a lovely daughter called Coco who is 2 years old.

We decided to move to Chiang Mai about two years ago, having fallen in love with the people & the city during a visit, and decided immediately to re-locate here.

We then set about deciding what we could do to keep ourselves busy, as well as make a little money.

Having spent time looking into various different areas of handicrafts, we eventually decided to specialise in handcarved / handmade wooden items & Hill Tribe Silver Jewelry, and rather than work as a wholesaler, we decided to sell direct to the consumers through an Ebay shop.

This has been of great experience for us, handling customer enquiries, successfully making shipments to every corner of the world & sourcing the most suitable factories to work with.

Now, with over 500 sales in just over two years “under our belts” we decided to build our own website incorporating both an information based area(all about the wonderful city we live in) and an Ecommerce online shop selling the items that we love to go out and source from the local artisans.

Coco carrying out the standard Quality Control tests that she does on all items, to ensure that they are both durable & "fit for purpose" to sell in our online shop !!.

That pretty much brings us up to date about us, we are actively adding new ideas & items to both our websites on an ongoing basis, and would love to hear any feedback from you be it positive (or negative !) comments regarding our work to date & suggestions for any new areas that you would like to see developed.

Just fill in your feedback / suggestions on the simple Contact Us form, and we will respond to you very shortly.

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